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Torah Project
RTFH Torah Project
First Name
Last Name
Please select the level of sponsorship at which you'd like to participate in the Torah Project
Please Select One
Visionaries of Torah: $18,000- $50,000+
Guardians of Torah: $10,000 – $17,999
Pillars of Torah: $5,000 – $9,999
Leaders of Torah: $2,500 – $4,999
Sustainers of Torah: $1,000 – $2,499
Friends of Torah: $360 – $999
Supporters of Torah: Under $360
Please enter your donation amount:
For gifts of $360 or over, please see
for a listing of the Dedications and identify the Torah Dedication you have chosen in the space below.
Have you chosen a Dedication?
Please Select One
Not yet, I will let you know
Not yet, I need help from Rabbi, Cantor, or a Torah Project Chair
Torah Dedication desired:
Is this gift to celebrate a simcha, mark an occasion, or in honor or memory of someone?
Please Select One
In Memory Of
In Honor Of
On the simcha/occasion of
Please identify the simcha or occasion:
Please identify the person you'd like to honor:
Please identify the person in whose memory you are making this donation:
Would you like this gift to be Anonymous?
Please Select One
Please identify how you would like this gift recognized:
The name of the donor(s'): e.g., The Cohen Family, Jane & John Cohen
visit here
to see how donors in your Sponsorship level will be recognized.
If you have specific Recognition requests, please detail them here:
Would you like more information from someone on the Recognition Team?
Please Select One
Would you also like to be a Torah Mitzvah Maker? With an additional anonymous gift, you can help more people in our community participate in the mitzvah of writing with the Sofer.
Please Select One
No, not at this time
Yes, I would like to make a gift to be distributed among those who request assistance.
Yes, I would like to donate $360 to sponsor a specific individual or family.
Please enter the amount of your donation to the Torah Mitzvah Makers Fund:
Number of individuals or families to sponsor (you will be able to identify them below):
Name of individual or family to sponsor:
Payment of this pledge may be made in several ways:
Immediately after clicking Submit on this page, you will be taken to a payment page. You may pay by credit card or ACH/eCheck on that page. You will be able to split your payment across several months, depending on when you make your initial pledge. Your payment method (credit card or ACH/eCheck) will be billed automatically on the day you select.
If you wish to pay with a 3rd party check (such as a Donor Advised Fund or IRA distribution), please select "Bill to my account" on the next screen. Your pledge will appear on your RTFH statements going forward, until it is paid off. Please note you must be logged in to ShulCloud to bill to your account.
If you wish to pay by personal check, please select "Bill to my account" on the next screen. Your pledge will appear on your RTFH statements going forward, until it is paid off. Please note you must be logged in to ShulCloud to bill to your account.
If you wish to pay using donated securities, please select "Bill to my account" on the next screen, and be in touch with Allan Hoberman, Director of Operations and Finance, at We will confirm receipt of any securities coming from your brokerage. Please note you must be logged in to ShulCloud to bill to your account.
Total to be paid:
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785